Percorrendo verso Borgo San Dalmazzo l'alberato Viale degli Angeli, meta di passeggiate per tutti i Cuneesi, si incontra il bel Santuario della Madonna degli Angeli.
Edificato da Giovanni Tortelli agli inizi del XV secolo come cappella dedicata alla Vergine Maria, la chiesa venne rinominata in Madonna degli Angeli da un sacerdote spagnolo che qui, nel 1411, inizรฒ a vivere come eremita seguito, nel tempo da altri frati francescani elevandolo cosรฌ a convento, uno dei primi dell'ordine francescano in Piemonte.
L'edificio cosรฌ come lo conosciamo ora รจ opera di una ristrutturazione compiuta nel Settecento per volere dei conti Caissotti di Chiusano.
Il Santuario della Madonna degli Angeli รจ una chiesa a croce latina ad un unica navata sormontata da una cupola ottagonale decorata con affreschi di Santa Maria Assunta.
All'interno รจ custodita la salma del beato Angelo Carletti, protettore di Cuneo vissuto nel XV secolo.
Inoltre, nella Cappella dell’Immacolata Concezione รจ situato il mausoleo funebre della famiglia Galimberti dove riposa Duccio Galimberti, eroe della resistenza cuneese.
Antistante il Santuario della Madonna degli Angeli vi รจ un ampio giardino con una grande croce in legno ornata con il simboli della Via Crucis.
Questo largo spazio offre anche un'incredibile balconata sul corso del fiume Gesso e la Bisalta.
L'ingresso del Santuario della Madonna degli Angeli ha la facciata a capanna preceduta da un portico a tre arcate ed il portone reca lo stemma della famiglia Caissotti.
Sulla sinistra si apre l'accesso al roseto, luogo riservato e di pace, dove vengono coltivate diverse varietร di rose e dove la vista si apre sull'arco alpino.
Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli - Cuneo
Walking towards Borgo San Dalmazzo along the tree-lined Viale degli Angeli, a destination for walks for all the cuneo citiziens, you can see the beautiful Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli.
Built by Giovanni Tortelli in the early fifteenth century as a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the church was renamed Madonna degli Angeli by a Spanish priest that here, in 1411, began to live as a hermit followed, over the time by other Franciscan friars, thus elevating the chapel to convent, the first of the Franciscan order in Piedmont.
The building as we know it now is the work of a restructuring carried out in the eighteenth century at the behest of the Caissotti counts of Chiusano.
The Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli is a Latin cross church with a single nave surmounted by an octagonal dome decorated with frescoes of Santa Maria Assunta.
Inside there is the coepse of the blessed Angelo Carletti, protector of Cuneo, who lived in the fifteenth century.
Moreover, in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception is located the funeral mausoleum of the Galimberti family where Duccio Galimberti, hero of the Cuneo resistance, rests.
In front of the Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli there is a garden with a big wooden cross adorned with the symbols of the Via Crucis.
This large space also offers an incredible balcony over the course of the Gesso river and the Bisalta.
The entrance to the Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli has a gabled faรงade preceded by a portico with three arches and the door bears the emblem of the Caissotti family.
On the left there is the access to the rose garden, a reserved and peaceful place, where different varieties of roses are grown and where the view opens onto the Alpine arc.
Walking towards Borgo San Dalmazzo along the tree-lined Viale degli Angeli, a destination for walks for all the cuneo citiziens, you can see the beautiful Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli.
Built by Giovanni Tortelli in the early fifteenth century as a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the church was renamed Madonna degli Angeli by a Spanish priest that here, in 1411, began to live as a hermit followed, over the time by other Franciscan friars, thus elevating the chapel to convent, the first of the Franciscan order in Piedmont.
The building as we know it now is the work of a restructuring carried out in the eighteenth century at the behest of the Caissotti counts of Chiusano.
The Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli is a Latin cross church with a single nave surmounted by an octagonal dome decorated with frescoes of Santa Maria Assunta.
Inside there is the coepse of the blessed Angelo Carletti, protector of Cuneo, who lived in the fifteenth century.
Moreover, in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception is located the funeral mausoleum of the Galimberti family where Duccio Galimberti, hero of the Cuneo resistance, rests.
In front of the Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli there is a garden with a big wooden cross adorned with the symbols of the Via Crucis.
This large space also offers an incredible balcony over the course of the Gesso river and the Bisalta.
The entrance to the Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli has a gabled faรงade preceded by a portico with three arches and the door bears the emblem of the Caissotti family.
On the left there is the access to the rose garden, a reserved and peaceful place, where different varieties of roses are grown and where the view opens onto the Alpine arc.