La Chiesa della Madonna della Neve a Monforte si trova nella parte nuova della città.
Costruita tra il 1909 e il 1912 su progetto del'ingeniere Giuseppe Gallo di Torino, la chiesa è dedicata alla Madonna della Neve e realizzata in stile neo-gotico.
L'ingresso principale è anticipato da un'ampia gradinata e la facciata è ripartita verticalmente in tre parti. Il portale è decorato da altorilievi opera di Oreste Torello.
L'interno della Chiesa della Madonna della Neve ha la pianta a croce latina e quattro colonne a fascio reggono la volta tripartita affrescata con fregi dorati su sfondo blu acceso.
Lungo la navata si aprono quattro cappelle laterali, mentre nella navata sinistra è collocato il Battistero.
Il presbiterio in cui si trova l'altare, realizzato in marmo pregiato secondo lo stile del Settecento, è delimitato da una balconata, anch'essa in marmo bianco di Carrara e giallo di Siena.
Da ammirare, gli affreschi nei due bracci del transetto, capolavori di Luigi Morgari che illustrano scene di Maria, e le vetrate del coro, provenienti dalla Germania e riportanti gli stemmi delle famiglie Del Carretto e Scarampi.
La Chiesa della Madonna della Neve ha un campanile alto 54 metri slanciato nella parte superiore da bifore e trifore e terminante con una balconata sovrastata da una cupola.
San Bernardo Chapel - Piozzo
The Church of the Madonna della Neve in Monforte is located in the new part of the city.
Built between 1909 and 1912 on a project by the engineer Giuseppe Gallo of Turin, the church is dedicated to the Madonna della Neve and built in neo-Gothic style.
The main entrance is preceded by a wide staircase and the façade is divided vertically into three parts. The portal is decorated with high reliefs by Oreste Torello.
The interior of the Church of the Madonna della Neve has a Latin cross plan and four beam columns support the tripartite vault frescoed with gilded friezes on a bright blue background.
Along the nave there are four side chapels, while in the left aisle is placed the Baptistery.
The presbytery where the altar is located, made of fine marble in the style of the eighteenth century, is bordered by a balcony, also in white Carrara marble and Siena yellow one .
To admire, the frescoes in the two arms of the transept, masterpieces by Luigi Morgari that illustrate scenes of Maria, and the stained glass windows of the choir, coming from Germany and bearing the arms of the Del Carretto and Scarampi families.
The Church of the Madonna della Neve has a bell tower 54 meters high slender in the upper part with mullioned and three-light windows and ending with a balcony dominated by a dome.
The Church of the Madonna della Neve in Monforte is located in the new part of the city.
Built between 1909 and 1912 on a project by the engineer Giuseppe Gallo of Turin, the church is dedicated to the Madonna della Neve and built in neo-Gothic style.
The main entrance is preceded by a wide staircase and the façade is divided vertically into three parts. The portal is decorated with high reliefs by Oreste Torello.
The interior of the Church of the Madonna della Neve has a Latin cross plan and four beam columns support the tripartite vault frescoed with gilded friezes on a bright blue background.
Along the nave there are four side chapels, while in the left aisle is placed the Baptistery.
The presbytery where the altar is located, made of fine marble in the style of the eighteenth century, is bordered by a balcony, also in white Carrara marble and Siena yellow one .
To admire, the frescoes in the two arms of the transept, masterpieces by Luigi Morgari that illustrate scenes of Maria, and the stained glass windows of the choir, coming from Germany and bearing the arms of the Del Carretto and Scarampi families.
The Church of the Madonna della Neve has a bell tower 54 meters high slender in the upper part with mullioned and three-light windows and ending with a balcony dominated by a dome.