Cappella di San Salvatore - Macra
Le nostre valli montane sono ricche di cappelle, alcune purtroppo sono cadute in abbandono, altre, invece sono state fortunatamente recuperare e costituiscono un importante patrimonio della nostra cultura. Una di queste รจ la Cappella di San Salvatore.
La Cappella di San Salvatore si in un isolato spiazzo poco prima del paese di Macra lungo la strada che percorre la Valle Maira ed in prossimitร del torrente Maira.
Si tratta di uno dei piรน antichi edifici religiosi medioevali della Valle, fondata dai monaci di Oulx tra il 1120 e il 1142, E' dedicata a Gesรน Salvatore anche se รจ nota come San Salvatore.
L'aspetto esterno dell'edificio รจ molto semplice come รจ tradizione delle chiese medioevali.
La Cappella di San Salvatore รจ costruita interamente in pietra squadrata e ciottoli di fiume, privi di decorazioni, e con il tetto rivestito dalle caratteristiche lastre di ardesia.
Ha un abside semicircolare e facciata "a vela". Il campanile, anch'esso "a vela" si trova in corrspondenza dell'abside contribuendo a dare slancio all'edificio.
Il portico d'accesso รจ sostenuto da due colonne tozze e irregolari ed รจ di fattura piรน recente.
Il maggior pregio della Cappella di San Salvatore sono gli affreschi tardo-romanici conservati all'interno, tra i pochi e meglio conservati del Cuneese.
San Salvatore Chapel - Macra
Our mountain valleys are full of chapels, some have unfortunately fallen into neglect, others, instead, have been recovered and constitute an important heritage of our culture. One of these is the San Salvatore Chapel.
The San Salvatore Chapel stands in an isolated area just before the town of Macra along the road that runs through the Maira Valley and near the Maira stream.
It is one of the oldest medieval religious buildings in the Valley, founded by the monks of Oulx between 1120 and 1142, It is dedicated to Jesus the Savior even though it is known as San Salvatore.
The external appearance of the building is very simple as is the tradition of medieval churches.
The San Salvatore Chapel is built entirely of squared stone and river pebbles, without decorations, and with the roof covered by the characteristic slate slabs.
It has a semicircular apse and a sail-shaped facade. The bell tower, which is also sail-shaped, is located in correspondence of the apse, helping to give impetus to the building.
The entrance porch is supported by two squat and irregular columns and is more recent.
The greatest assets of the San Salvatore Chapel are the late-Romanesque frescoes preserved inside, among the few and best preserved in the Cuneo area.
Our mountain valleys are full of chapels, some have unfortunately fallen into neglect, others, instead, have been recovered and constitute an important heritage of our culture. One of these is the San Salvatore Chapel.
The San Salvatore Chapel stands in an isolated area just before the town of Macra along the road that runs through the Maira Valley and near the Maira stream.
It is one of the oldest medieval religious buildings in the Valley, founded by the monks of Oulx between 1120 and 1142, It is dedicated to Jesus the Savior even though it is known as San Salvatore.
The external appearance of the building is very simple as is the tradition of medieval churches.
The San Salvatore Chapel is built entirely of squared stone and river pebbles, without decorations, and with the roof covered by the characteristic slate slabs.
It has a semicircular apse and a sail-shaped facade. The bell tower, which is also sail-shaped, is located in correspondence of the apse, helping to give impetus to the building.
The entrance porch is supported by two squat and irregular columns and is more recent.
The greatest assets of the San Salvatore Chapel are the late-Romanesque frescoes preserved inside, among the few and best preserved in the Cuneo area.