Venti รจ il tema dell'edizione 2018 di Scrittori in cittร , il festival letterario cuneese giunto quest'anno alla ventesima edizione.
Come tutti gli anni numerosi sono gli ospiti che si avvicendano tra le varie location cittadine per parlare non sono di libri, ma anche di attualitร e proporre spunti di riflessione partendo da un tema comune.
E letteralmente di venti che soffiano ha parlato Nick Hunt che presentando il suo libro "Dove soffiano i venti selvaggi" racconta il suo viaggio insolito sulla rotta di quattro venti, Helm, Bora, Fรถhn e Mistral, che diventano i protagonisti del romanzo. Un viaggio che si trasforma in inseguimento affascinante, perchรจ i venti sono imprevedibili e occorre saperli aspettare con pazienza.
Scrittori in cittร 2018 "Venti" - Cuneo
Venti is the theme of the edition 2018 of Scrittori in cittร , the Cuneese literary festival, now in its twentieth edition.
Like the past years, there are many guests who come and go between the various city locations to talk not only about books, but also around current events offering food for thought starting from a common topic.
And literally of winds that blow spoke Nick Hunt introducing his book "Where the Wild Winds Are". He told about his unusual journey on the four-wind course, Helm, Bora, Fรถhn and Mistral, which become the protagonists of the novel. A journey that turns into a fascinating pursuit, because the winds are unpredictable and you need to know how to wait thempatiently.
Venti is the theme of the edition 2018 of Scrittori in cittร , the Cuneese literary festival, now in its twentieth edition.
Like the past years, there are many guests who come and go between the various city locations to talk not only about books, but also around current events offering food for thought starting from a common topic.
And literally of winds that blow spoke Nick Hunt introducing his book "Where the Wild Winds Are". He told about his unusual journey on the four-wind course, Helm, Bora, Fรถhn and Mistral, which become the protagonists of the novel. A journey that turns into a fascinating pursuit, because the winds are unpredictable and you need to know how to wait thempatiently.