Santuario di Santa Maria di Morinesio - Stroppo
La Valle Maira รจ un territorio ricco non solo dal punto di vista paesaggistico, ma anche da quello culturale.
Sparsi qua e lร sulle sue montagne si possono trovare bellisime testimonianze di architettura montana.
Una di queste รจ il Santuario di Santa Maria di Morinesio, nel Comune di Stroppo.
Questo edificio religioso si trova a 1485 s.l.m. nella borgata Morinesio ed รจ dedicato alla Vergine Maria.
La sua posizione, isolata su un piccolo altipiano erboso che termina a precipizio sulla valle, รจ straordinariamente panoramica.
Il Santuario di Santa Maria di Morinesio sorge sulle rovine di un'antica cappella del XIV secolo dedicata a Santa Margherita.
Divenuto santuario nel 1511, fu assidua meta di pellegrinaggio nel corso del Settecento a testimonianza della forte devozione degli abitanti della valle.
Si sentรฌ, quindi, la necessitร di ampliare l'edificio nelle forme che possiamo vedere ora.
Il Santuario di Santa Maria di Morinesio si compone di due porticati, facciata in mattoni abbellita da tre immagini della Madonna, torre campanaria e cupola affrescata.
Annesso รจ presente anche un ricovero per i pellegrini.
Un piccolo sentiero parte dalla chiesa e, seguendo la cresta, porta ad un'edicola votiva dove รจ posizionata anche una croce di ferro rivolta verso la bassa dronerese.
Sanctuary of Santa Maria in Morinesio - Stroppo
The Maira Valley is a rich territory not only about a landscape point of view, but also from a cultural one.
Scattered here and there on its mountains you can find beautiful examples of mountain architecture.
One of these is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria in Morinesio, in the Municipality of Stroppo.
This religious building is located at 1485 s.l.m. in the Morinesio hamlet and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Its position, isolated on a small grassy plateau that ends precipitously over the valley, is extraordinarily panoramic.
The Sanctuary of Santa Maria in Morinesio stands on the ruins of an ancient 14th century chapel dedicated to Santa Margherita.
Became a sanctuary in 1511, it was an assiduous pilgrimage destination during the eighteenth century, testifying to the strong devotion of the inhabitants of the valley.
There was therefore a need to expand the building in the forms we can see now.
The Sanctuary of Santa Maria in Morinesio consists of two arcades, brick facade embellished with three images of the Madonna, bell tower and frescoed dome.
Attached there is also a shelter for pilgrims.
A small path starts from the church and, following the ridge, leads to a votive shrine where there is also an iron cross facing the Dronerese plain.
The Maira Valley is a rich territory not only about a landscape point of view, but also from a cultural one.
Scattered here and there on its mountains you can find beautiful examples of mountain architecture.
One of these is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria in Morinesio, in the Municipality of Stroppo.
This religious building is located at 1485 s.l.m. in the Morinesio hamlet and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Its position, isolated on a small grassy plateau that ends precipitously over the valley, is extraordinarily panoramic.
The Sanctuary of Santa Maria in Morinesio stands on the ruins of an ancient 14th century chapel dedicated to Santa Margherita.
Became a sanctuary in 1511, it was an assiduous pilgrimage destination during the eighteenth century, testifying to the strong devotion of the inhabitants of the valley.
There was therefore a need to expand the building in the forms we can see now.
The Sanctuary of Santa Maria in Morinesio consists of two arcades, brick facade embellished with three images of the Madonna, bell tower and frescoed dome.
Attached there is also a shelter for pilgrims.
A small path starts from the church and, following the ridge, leads to a votive shrine where there is also an iron cross facing the Dronerese plain.