Chiesa di San Ponzio e Immacolata Concezione - Monticello
Passeggiando dentro il borgo di Monticello seguendo le strette vie che salgono verso il castello s'incontra la Chiesa di San Ponzio e Immacolata Concezione.
Questo edificio religioso risale al 1600 e venne costruito nel luogo ove sorgeva l'oratorio medioevale di Santa Maria di Piazza di cui rimane solamente il bel campanile trecentesco con bifore ogivali e le caratteristiche tipiche del gotico lombardo, come i pinnacoli e le cornici dentellate in laterizio.
La chiesa attuale, opera di Carlo Pozzo e Giovanni Battista Tagliaferro, presenta una facciata in mattoni rossi pressocchè spoglia ad eccezione della statua che sormonta il timpano del portale e delle tre finestrelle ovali che sostituiscono il rosone.
L'interno barocco, a navata unica,è caratterizzato da cinque altari ed una nicchia dove è inserito il fonte battesimale.
Gli altari sono rispettivamente: l'altare dell’Addolorata, intitolato a San Giuseppe; l'altare della Madonna del Carmine, con una tavola lignea dipinta e decorata da colonne, cariatidi e capitelli d'ispirazione classica; l'altare di San Felice, con il Cristo Redentore; l'altare maggiore ossia dell’Immacolata Concezione.
Il più interessante è l'altare del SS.Rosario, dedicato a San Francesco, con struttura barocca in stucco che ospita tre dipinti su tela raffiguranti Santa Lucia, Santa Caterina d’Alessandria con San Luigi Gonzaga e San Francesco d’Assisi.
Pregevole è anche la statua processionale della Madonna con il Bambino realizzata in legno dorato.
Il fonte battesimale seicentesco è costituito da un'acquasantiera in marmo sovrapposta da un contenitore cilindrico in legno, la cui porta è decorata con scene del battesimo di Gesù Cristo.
St. Ponzio and Immaculate Conception
Walking through the village of Monticello along the narrow streets that lead up to the castel you can meet the Church of San Ponzio and Immaculate Conception .
This religious building is dated 1600 and was built on the site where once stood the medieval chapel Santa Maria di Piazza of which remains only the fourteenth-century bell tower with ogival mullioned windows. and the typical features of Lombard Gothic, such as pinnacles and serrated brick cornices.
The current church, work of Carlo Pozzo and Giovanni Battista Tagliaferro, has a red brick facade the almost bare except for the statue that surmounts the tympanum of the portal and the three oval windows that replace the rose window.
The Baroque interior has a single nave and is characterized by five altarsand a niche where is inserted the baptismal font.
The altars are respectively: the altar of the Addolorata, dedicated to St. Joseph; the altar of the Madonna del Carmine, with a wooden panel painted and decorated with columns, caryatids and capitals of classical inspiration; the altar of St. Felice, with Christ the Redeemer; the main altar is the one of the Immaculate Conception.
The most interesting is the altar of the Holy Rosary, dedicated to St. Francis, with a baroque stucco structure that houses three paintings representing Saint Lucia, Saint Catherine of Alexandria with St. Aloysius Gonzaga and St. Francis of Assisi.
Noteworthy is also the processional statue of the Madonna and Child made of gilded wood.
The seventeenth-century baptismal font consists of a marble stoup superimposed on a cylindrical wooden container, whose door is decorated with scenes of the baptism of Jesus Christ.
Walking through the village of Monticello along the narrow streets that lead up to the castel you can meet the Church of San Ponzio and Immaculate Conception .
This religious building is dated 1600 and was built on the site where once stood the medieval chapel Santa Maria di Piazza of which remains only the fourteenth-century bell tower with ogival mullioned windows. and the typical features of Lombard Gothic, such as pinnacles and serrated brick cornices.
The current church, work of Carlo Pozzo and Giovanni Battista Tagliaferro, has a red brick facade the almost bare except for the statue that surmounts the tympanum of the portal and the three oval windows that replace the rose window.
The Baroque interior has a single nave and is characterized by five altarsand a niche where is inserted the baptismal font.
The altars are respectively: the altar of the Addolorata, dedicated to St. Joseph; the altar of the Madonna del Carmine, with a wooden panel painted and decorated with columns, caryatids and capitals of classical inspiration; the altar of St. Felice, with Christ the Redeemer; the main altar is the one of the Immaculate Conception.
The most interesting is the altar of the Holy Rosary, dedicated to St. Francis, with a baroque stucco structure that houses three paintings representing Saint Lucia, Saint Catherine of Alexandria with St. Aloysius Gonzaga and St. Francis of Assisi.
Noteworthy is also the processional statue of the Madonna and Child made of gilded wood.
The seventeenth-century baptismal font consists of a marble stoup superimposed on a cylindrical wooden container, whose door is decorated with scenes of the baptism of Jesus Christ.