Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Bosco - Cuneo
La Cattedrale di Cuneo, dedicata a Santa Maria del Bosco, si trova al termine di Via Roma poco lontano dal punto dove la via del centro storico si apre sull'ampia Piazza Galimberti.
L'edifico, risalente al Seicento ed edificato da Boetto sui resti di un precedente luogo di culto, non passa certo inosservato grazie al suo stile neoclassico ed alle sue quattro grosse colonne che reggono un timpano triangolare.
L'interno รจ un tripudio di affreschi e stucchi barocchi.
La grossa cupola viene nascosta dagli edifici vicini.
Santa Maria del Bosco in Cuneo
Cuneo's Cathedral, dedicated to Santa Maria del Bosco, is located at the end of Via Roma not far from where the historic downtown street opens on the large Piazza Galimberti.
The building, dating from the seventeenth century and built by Boetto on the ruins of another religious building, can't pass unnoticed thanks to its neo-classical style and its four large columns that support a triangular pediment.
The interior is a riot of baroque frescoes and stucco.
Unfortunately, the big dome is hidden by the surrounding buildings.
Cuneo's Cathedral, dedicated to Santa Maria del Bosco, is located at the end of Via Roma not far from where the historic downtown street opens on the large Piazza Galimberti.
The building, dating from the seventeenth century and built by Boetto on the ruins of another religious building, can't pass unnoticed thanks to its neo-classical style and its four large columns that support a triangular pediment.
The interior is a riot of baroque frescoes and stucco.
Unfortunately, the big dome is hidden by the surrounding buildings.