Dipinti ed affreschi di fattura ottocentesca abbelliscono gli interni, purtroppo piuttosto bui, della Cattedrale di San Giovenale a Fossano.
Intorno รจ tutto un tripudio di stucchi dorati e l'alto altare รจ arricchito da bianche statue di angeli e putti. La chiesa conserva al suo interno le reliquie del Santo protettore e, nella sacrestia, dipinti di benefattori fossanesi e tele di Claret.
Inside the San Giovenale's Cathedral Fossano
Nineteenth-century paintings and frescoes adorn the unenlightened interiors of San Giovenale's Cathedral in Fossano. All around the naves there is a riot of golden stucco and the high altar is decorated with white statues of angels and cherubs. The church contains also the relics of the Saint Patron of the city and, in the sacristy, paintings of benefactors and canvas made by Claret.
Nineteenth-century paintings and frescoes adorn the unenlightened interiors of San Giovenale's Cathedral in Fossano. All around the naves there is a riot of golden stucco and the high altar is decorated with white statues of angels and cherubs. The church contains also the relics of the Saint Patron of the city and, in the sacristy, paintings of benefactors and canvas made by Claret.