Il Castello dei Savoia Acaja di Fossano
Il Castello dei Savoia Acaja รจ il simbolo della cittร di Fossano.
Edificio medioevale del 1300 fatto costruire dai principi Savoia Acaja prima con lo scopo difensivo e poi come residenza signorile, si trova in posizione centrale, nella parte piรน elevata della cittร .
Caratteristica principale รจ la sua pianta quadrata con ai lati quattro alte torri. Queste hanno un aspetto piuttosto singolare: sono poste diagonalmente, tutte a pianta rettangolare, eccetto due che sono arricchite negli angoli interni da due ulteriori torrette scalari e semi cilindriche.
Fessure cieche nella facciata ne alleggeriscono l’aspetto, mentre merlature e loggette bianche sulle torri lo rendono piรน elegante.
Tutto intorno al castello scorre un fossato, oggigiorno vuoto e trasformato in un piccolo teatro all’aperto.
Acaja Castle in Fossano
The Castle of the Savoia Acaja is the symbol of the city of Fossano.
It is a medieval building built in 1300 by the Pinces of Savoia Acaja first for defensive purposes and then as a stately home and it's located in central position, in the highest part of the city.
The main feature is its square flanked by four tall towers. These have an aspect rather unusual: they are placed diagonally, all are rectangular, except two, that are enriched in the interior angles with two additional scalar and semi cylindrical turrets.
Blind cracks in the facade lighten the look, while the white battlements of the towers and the loggias make it more elegant.
Around the castle runs a moat, now empty and turned into a small outdoor theater.
The Castle of the Savoia Acaja is the symbol of the city of Fossano.
It is a medieval building built in 1300 by the Pinces of Savoia Acaja first for defensive purposes and then as a stately home and it's located in central position, in the highest part of the city.
The main feature is its square flanked by four tall towers. These have an aspect rather unusual: they are placed diagonally, all are rectangular, except two, that are enriched in the interior angles with two additional scalar and semi cylindrical turrets.
Blind cracks in the facade lighten the look, while the white battlements of the towers and the loggias make it more elegant.
Around the castle runs a moat, now empty and turned into a small outdoor theater.