Uno dei piรน interessanti edifici religiosi dell'epoca medioevale piemontese รจ senza ombra di dubbio l'Abbazia di Santa Maria di Staffarda a Revello, comune posto a pochi chilometri da Saluzzo, centro dell’antico omonimo marchesato.
Il complesso venne fondato intorno al 1130 dai monaci cistercensi in seguito ad una donazione ed assunse ben presto una rilevante importanza economica grazie alla sua posizione e alla bonifica dei terreni paludosi circostanti.
Fortemente danneggiata durante la sanguinosa Battaglia di Staffarda che vide affrontarsi l'esercito dei Savoia e quello francese di Luigi XIV venne ricostruita grazie all'intervento finanziario di Vittorio Amedeo II e, con la bolla Pontificia di Papa Benedetto XIV, nel 1750 divenne di proprieta dell'Ordine Militare dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro.
L'Abbazia di Santa Maria di Staffarda si trova in aperta campagna e volge le spalle alla catena delle Alpi Cozie, tra cui spicca il Monviso.
Il complesso abbaziale si compone di una serie di edifici realizzati in stile romanico-gotico con mattoni a vista.
Tra questi si distinguono la Chiesa, dedicata a Santa Maria e realizzata in stile romanico lombardo, il Chiostro, a pianta quadrata con due porticati , il Refettorio, la Sala Capitolare e la Foresteria.
Intorno si sviluppano altri edifici facenti parte del borgo e funzionali all'attivitร agricola del luogo.
Per informazioni sulla visita del Abbazia di Staffarda potete consultare il sito ufficiale dell'Ordine Mauriziano
Abbazia di Staffarda - Revello
One of the most interesting religious buildings of the Piedmontese medieval era is undoubtedly the Santa Maria in Staffarda Abbey in Revello, a town few kilometers far from Saluzzo, the center of the ancient homonymous marquisate.
The complex was founded around 1130 by Cistercian monks after a donation and soon assumed significant economic importance due to its location and the reclamation of the surrounding wetlands.
Strongly damaged during the bloody Battle of Staffarda, which saw the Savoy army and Louis XIV's French army fought each other, it was rebuilt thanks to the financial intervention of Vittorio Amedeo II and, with the Papal bull of Pope Benedict XIV, in 1750 it became property of the Military Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus.
The Abbey of Santa Maria di Staffarda is located in the open countryside and turns its back to the chain of the Cozie Alps, among which the Monviso stands out.
The abbey complex consists of a series of buildings built in Romanesque-Gothic style with exposed bricks.
There are the Church, dedicated to Santa Maria and built in Lombard Romanesque style, the Cloister, with a square plan with two arcades, the Refettorio, the Capitolare Room and the Foresteria.
Around the abbey are located other buildings parts of the old hamlet and functional to the agricultural activity of the place.
To get information for the visit of Santa Maria in Staffarda Abbey you can check the Ordine Mauriziano official website.
One of the most interesting religious buildings of the Piedmontese medieval era is undoubtedly the Santa Maria in Staffarda Abbey in Revello, a town few kilometers far from Saluzzo, the center of the ancient homonymous marquisate.
The complex was founded around 1130 by Cistercian monks after a donation and soon assumed significant economic importance due to its location and the reclamation of the surrounding wetlands.
Strongly damaged during the bloody Battle of Staffarda, which saw the Savoy army and Louis XIV's French army fought each other, it was rebuilt thanks to the financial intervention of Vittorio Amedeo II and, with the Papal bull of Pope Benedict XIV, in 1750 it became property of the Military Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus.
The Abbey of Santa Maria di Staffarda is located in the open countryside and turns its back to the chain of the Cozie Alps, among which the Monviso stands out.
The abbey complex consists of a series of buildings built in Romanesque-Gothic style with exposed bricks.
There are the Church, dedicated to Santa Maria and built in Lombard Romanesque style, the Cloister, with a square plan with two arcades, the Refettorio, the Capitolare Room and the Foresteria.
Around the abbey are located other buildings parts of the old hamlet and functional to the agricultural activity of the place.
To get information for the visit of Santa Maria in Staffarda Abbey you can check the Ordine Mauriziano official website.