Laghi di Roburent - Valle Stura
Una delle escursioni meno impegnative ma di grande bellezza da effettuare in Valle Stura รจ quella ai Laghi di Roburent partendo dal Colle della Maddalena.
Il sentiero, ben segnalato e piuttosto frequentato, inizia a destra, sul versante francese e risale il vallone dell'Oronaye attraversando praterie dove non รจ insolito incontrare greggi di pecore al pascolo.
Intorno si alzano alte montagne dalle parete calcaree tra cui si distingue il Monte Oronaye. Risalendo si incontra un piccolo laghetto, che nelle stagioni piรน aride risulta in secca e piรน avanti il piรน grande lago dell’Oronaye nelle cui acque si specchia il Bec du Lievre.
Da qui il sentiero sale ripido ed in breve raggiunge il l’ampio Colle di Roburent (2496 metri), spartiacque tra l'Italia e la Francia.
Dal colle il panorama della valle รจ spettacolare e poco piรน giรน si scorge il maestoso Lago Superiore di Roburent, unico nella forma a "ferro di cavallo" e nel colore delle acque.
Per raggiungere gli altri laghi occorre scendere sulle sue sponde e pecorrere il sentiero che lo costeggia sulla sinistra.
Dopo una ripida salita si giunge in vista del Lago Mediano di Roburent, nascosto in parte da una conformazione rocciosa.
Anzichรจ scendere sulle sulla sua riva proseguire in alto aggirando la parete rocciosa e con un percorso pressocchรจ pianeggiante si giunge finalmente in vista del bellissimo Lago Inferiore di Roburent.
Per ammirarlo nella sua totalitร risalite ancora il pendio da dove arriva il sentiero della Tinetta (altro percorso alternativo per giungere ai laghi) e da dove si ha una bella vista sulle Alpi Marittime di Argentera.
Per tornare indietro si puรฒ scendere da qui oppure affrontare a ritroso la strada fatta.
Molti escursionisti che salgono dal Colle della Maddalena si fermano al primo lago, attratti dalla bellezza del paesaggio e dalla presenza di grandi tratti erbosi dove fare pic-nic e rilassarsi al sole.
Il nostro consiglio รจ quello di fare un piccolo sforzo e proseguire, allontandosi dalla folla che spesso anima il lago nelle calde domeniche. La vista degli altri due laghi e la pace che li circonda compensa la piccola fatica supplementare.
Visitate le pagine dedicate ai singoli laghi facendo click sul loro nome all'interno dell'articolo.
Roburent Lakes - Stura Valley
One of the easiest but most beautiful trekkings to be made in the Stura Valley is to the Roburent Lakes starting from Maddalena Pass.
The path, well marked and much popular, starts on the right, on the French side and goes up in the Oronaye valley crossing prairies where it is not unusual to encounter flocks of grazing sheep.
Around it rise high mountains with limestone walls between which we can distinguish the Mount Oronaye. Going up again you come across a small lake, thet in the driest seasons is often drained and later you come across the largest Oronaye lake in whose waters the Bec du Lievre is reflected.
From here the path climbs steeply and soon reaches the wide Roburent Pass (2496 meters), a watershed between Italy and France. From the hill the view of the valley is spectacular and a little further down you can see the majestic Lake Superior of Roburent, unique in its "horseshoe" shape and in the blue color of its waters.
To reach the other lakes you have to go down on its banks and walk along the path that skirts it on the left.
After a steep climb you come to view of the Middle Lake of Roburent, partly hidden by a rocky conformation.
Instead of going down on its shore, continue upwards by bypassing the rocky wall and with an almost flat path you finally arrive in view of the beautiful Lower Lake of Roburent.
To admire it in its totality go up again the slope from where the path of the Tinetta arrives (another alternative route to reach the lakes) and from where you have also a beautiful view of the Maritime Alps of Argentera.
To go back, you can go down from here or go back the way you did until now.
Many hikers who climb from the Maddalena Pass stop at the first lake, attracted by the beauty of the landscape and the presence of large grassy areas where they can picnic and relax under the sun.
Our advice is to make a little effort and continue, moving away from the crowd that often animates the lake on hot Sundays. The sight of the other two lakes and the peace that surrounds them makes up for the little extra effort.
Clicking on the name of the lakes in the article you can visit the pages dedicated to each of them.
One of the easiest but most beautiful trekkings to be made in the Stura Valley is to the Roburent Lakes starting from Maddalena Pass.
The path, well marked and much popular, starts on the right, on the French side and goes up in the Oronaye valley crossing prairies where it is not unusual to encounter flocks of grazing sheep.
Around it rise high mountains with limestone walls between which we can distinguish the Mount Oronaye. Going up again you come across a small lake, thet in the driest seasons is often drained and later you come across the largest Oronaye lake in whose waters the Bec du Lievre is reflected.
From here the path climbs steeply and soon reaches the wide Roburent Pass (2496 meters), a watershed between Italy and France. From the hill the view of the valley is spectacular and a little further down you can see the majestic Lake Superior of Roburent, unique in its "horseshoe" shape and in the blue color of its waters.
To reach the other lakes you have to go down on its banks and walk along the path that skirts it on the left.
After a steep climb you come to view of the Middle Lake of Roburent, partly hidden by a rocky conformation.
Instead of going down on its shore, continue upwards by bypassing the rocky wall and with an almost flat path you finally arrive in view of the beautiful Lower Lake of Roburent.
To admire it in its totality go up again the slope from where the path of the Tinetta arrives (another alternative route to reach the lakes) and from where you have also a beautiful view of the Maritime Alps of Argentera.
To go back, you can go down from here or go back the way you did until now.
Many hikers who climb from the Maddalena Pass stop at the first lake, attracted by the beauty of the landscape and the presence of large grassy areas where they can picnic and relax under the sun.
Our advice is to make a little effort and continue, moving away from the crowd that often animates the lake on hot Sundays. The sight of the other two lakes and the peace that surrounds them makes up for the little extra effort.
Clicking on the name of the lakes in the article you can visit the pages dedicated to each of them.