Torre Maestra - Priero
Percorrendo la Provinciale che da Ceva porta a Millesimo con una piccola deviazione si arriva a Priero, antico borgo medioevale in cui convergevano due importanti vie di comunicazione con la riviera ligure.
Il borgo era cinto da mura fortificate e da sette torri purtroppo andate distrutte ad eccezione della Torre Maestra.
Edificata tra il XII-XIII secolo si erge nell’angolo nord-est dell'abitato e controllava l’accesso della strada da Montezemolo.
Rotonda, in muratura di pietra grigia, traforata da buche pontaie ed alta 37 metri la Torre Maestra ha un coronamento in laterizio che sporge a sbalzo su beccatelli dritti e alti che si congiungono ad arco.
La coperture attuale, a tetto conico, non รจ dell'impianto originale che presentava, invece, una merlatura.
Probabilmente la torre faceva parte dell'antico castello i cui resti sono in parte visibili nella parte nord del palazzo settecentesco edificato accanto alla torre.
Master Tower - Priero
Following the provincial road that leads from Ceva to Millesimo with a small detour, we arrive in Priero, an ancient medieval village where two important roads converged with the Ligurian Riviera.
The village was surrounded by fortified walls and seven towers, unfortunately destroyed with the exception of the Torre Maestra.
Built between the XII-XIII century it rises in the north-east corner of the town and controlled the access of the road from Montezemolo.
Round, built in gray stone masonry, perforated by pontaie holes and high 37 meters, the Maestra Tower has a brick crowning that protrudes overhangs on straight and tall corbels that join together into archs.
The current roof, with a conical roof, is not part of the original structure that instead had a battlement.
Probably the tower was unit of the ancient castle whose remains are partly visible in the north part of the eighteenth century palace built next to the tower.
Following the provincial road that leads from Ceva to Millesimo with a small detour, we arrive in Priero, an ancient medieval village where two important roads converged with the Ligurian Riviera.
The village was surrounded by fortified walls and seven towers, unfortunately destroyed with the exception of the Torre Maestra.
Built between the XII-XIII century it rises in the north-east corner of the town and controlled the access of the road from Montezemolo.
Round, built in gray stone masonry, perforated by pontaie holes and high 37 meters, the Maestra Tower has a brick crowning that protrudes overhangs on straight and tall corbels that join together into archs.
The current roof, with a conical roof, is not part of the original structure that instead had a battlement.
Probably the tower was unit of the ancient castle whose remains are partly visible in the north part of the eighteenth century palace built next to the tower.