La Torre Civica - Saluzzo
Emblema di Saluzzo, con i suoi 48 metri la Torre Civica svetta sul Palazzo Medioevale e sui tetti della cittร vecchia di Saluzzo.
Costruita nel 1462, si trova all'angolo di Via San Giovanni ed รจ parte integrante del Palazzo Comunale.
Simbolo dell'autonomia della comunitร cittadina all'epoca del marchesato, la Torre Civica รจ a pianta quadrata ed รจ sormontata da una graziosa cuspide ottagonale di colore bianco, un tempo custode della campana cittadina.
In cima fa bella mostra un'aquila, lo stemma della cittร .
Risalendo 130 scalini si arriva all'elegante loggetta da cui si gode il panorama sulla cittร e la pianura circostante.
The civic tower in Saluzzo
Landmark of Saluzzo, with its 48 meters, the Civic Tower stands on the Medieval Palace and the roofs of the old town.
Built in 1462, it's located at the corner of Via San Giovanni and is an integral part of the Town Hall.
The Civic Tower represented the city community indipendence.
It has squared plan, and a lovely white octagonal spire, that in the past housed the town bell. At the top makes a fine show an eagle statue, the emblem of the city.
Climbing up the 130 steps you can reach the elegant loggia where you can enjoy with the view over the city and the surrounding plain.
Landmark of Saluzzo, with its 48 meters, the Civic Tower stands on the Medieval Palace and the roofs of the old town.
Built in 1462, it's located at the corner of Via San Giovanni and is an integral part of the Town Hall.
The Civic Tower represented the city community indipendence.
It has squared plan, and a lovely white octagonal spire, that in the past housed the town bell. At the top makes a fine show an eagle statue, the emblem of the city.
Climbing up the 130 steps you can reach the elegant loggia where you can enjoy with the view over the city and the surrounding plain.