Vi siete mai chiesti come era la vostra città trenta o quaranta anni fa?
La mostra "Tutta la città ... Cuneo nelle fotografie di Paolo Bedino 1963-1973" allestita in Palazzo Samone nel capoluogo di provincia, rende omaggio ad un noto fotografo cuneese e permette di fare un salto indietro nel tempo, precisamente negli anni '60 e '70, attraverso suggestive immagini fotografiche in bianco nero.
Le fotografie ci rimandano ai momenti più significativi della vita cittadina, agli scioperi, alle proteste poliche, alle cerimonie e ai piccoli fatti quotidiani da cui traspare, a volte in modo buffo, i costumi di quell'epoca passata.
E' un salto nel tempo interessante, ma anche divertente, fatto soprattutto di volti di chi ha reso viva la città in quel periodo.
Tutta la mia città .... Cuneo an exibition into Palazzo Samone in Cuneo
Have you ever wondered how your city was thirty or forty years ago?
The exhibition "Tutta la mia città ... in the photos of Paolo Cuneo Bedino 1963-1973" in Palazzo Samone in Cuneo, pays homage to a famous photographer and allows you to take a step back in time, specifically in the 60 and 70s, through evocative photographs in black and white.
The images remind us about the most significant moments of the city life, strikes, protests police, ceremonies and small daily events, which shows, sometimes in a very funny way, the costumes of that passed era.
It's an interesting and sometimes funny back in time, especially because of the faces of those people who made the city alive at that time.
Have you ever wondered how your city was thirty or forty years ago?
The exhibition "Tutta la mia città ... in the photos of Paolo Cuneo Bedino 1963-1973" in Palazzo Samone in Cuneo, pays homage to a famous photographer and allows you to take a step back in time, specifically in the 60 and 70s, through evocative photographs in black and white.
The images remind us about the most significant moments of the city life, strikes, protests police, ceremonies and small daily events, which shows, sometimes in a very funny way, the costumes of that passed era.
It's an interesting and sometimes funny back in time, especially because of the faces of those people who made the city alive at that time.