In contrapposizione a Lou Viei e La Vieio, la Beรฒ de Blins mette i personaggi de Lou Cadet e l’Espouzo.
Essi raffigurano una giovane coppia di sposi e partecipano al corte in eleganti abiti nuziali.
Probabilmente rappresentano il futuro e la nuova vita.
Lou Medic, invece, รจ l'unico personaggio non mascherato del gruppo in quanto deve affermare la propria serietร professionale.
Ha perรฒ le guance truccate di rosso per indicare il suo ottimo stato di salute.
Indossa un camice bianco, ha occhiali, baffoni e cappello e porta con sรจ una borsa con gli strumenti del mestiere, utili per soccorrere La Vieio durante i suoi frequenti malori.
Beรฒ : Lou Cadet, l’Espouzo e Lou Medic
In contrast with Lou Viei and La Vieio , the Beรฒ de Blins puts the characters of Lou Cadet and L'Espouzo .
They represent a young married couple and participate in the court in elegant bridal gowns.
Probably they sybolize the future and the new life.
Lou Medic is the only character not masked in the group as it must assert their professionalism.
However, his cheeks are rigged in red to indicate its excellent state of health.
He wears a white coat, has glasses, mustache and a black hat and carries a bag with the tools of the trade, useful to rescue La Vieio during her frequent illnesses.
Probably they sybolize the future and the new life.
Lou Medic is the only character not masked in the group as it must assert their professionalism.
However, his cheeks are rigged in red to indicate its excellent state of health.
He wears a white coat, has glasses, mustache and a black hat and carries a bag with the tools of the trade, useful to rescue La Vieio during her frequent illnesses.