Siete sempre alla ricerca di qualche luogo inconsueto da visitare?
Allora le Langhe non vi deluderanno!
Infatti, tra cappelle multicolori, panchine giganti, eleganti installazioni, percorsi letterari e originali sculture non avrete che l’imbarazzo delle scelta.
Potete trovare uno di questi siti insoliti anche a Dogliani, borgo collinare di origini preromane dalla curiosa architettura, ponte tra le Langhe del Barolo e l’Alta Langa molto amato da personaggi illustri come il secondo Presidente della Repubblica Luigi Einaudi e l’imprenditore Michele Ferrero.
E' la Vigna dij Ciuc (in italiano la vigna degli ubriachi) un progetto scultoreo realizzato dal Gruppo Treecarving che, con grande abilitร , รจ riuscito a portare l’arte in vigna.
La Vigna dij Ciuc รจ una vera e propria “processione di ubriachi”, strambi volti scolpiti su ventinove pali in legno di castagno che fanno da capofila ad un vigneto situato in localitร San Luigi di Dogliani.
Scendete lungo il pendio e divertitevi a scoprire le diverse suggestive figure scolpite tra cui compare anche un animale spesso legato ad immagini di maghi ed indovini e dalla valenza simbolica ambivalente: il gufo.
Non trovate anche voi che la Vigna dij Ciuc sia un modo originale per coniugare l’arte con il turismo enogastronomico, la cultura e l’ambiente?
Per raggiungere la vigna in cui ammirare i pali scolpiti occorre, da Dogliani, dirigersi verso la Borgata San Luigi; proseguendo poco meno di un chilometro oltre la Cappella la si trova direttamente sulla destra.
Sul sito del Gruppo Treecarving trovate la mappa e numerose immagini, inoltre potete conoscere anche i loro interessanti progetti.
Il nostro consiglio per godere al meglio di questo luogo insolito nel contesto delle meravigliose colline delle Langhe รจ quello di inserirlo come deviazione all’itinerario naturalistico di Santa Lucia, un percorso ciclopedonale con bei panorami sui vigneti che tocca alcune piccole cappelle e tenute storiche.
The Vigna dij Ciuc (vineyard of the drunks) in Dogliani
Are you always looking for some unusual place to visit?
Then Langhe will not disappoint you!
In fact, among multicolored chapels, giant benches, elegant installations, literary itineraries and original sculptures, you will be spoiled for choice.
You can also find one of these unusual sites in Dogliani, a hilly town of pre-Roman origins with a curious architecture, a bridge between the Langhe of Barolo and the Hight Langa much loved by famous people such as the second President of the Republic Luigi Einaudi and the entrepreneur Michele Ferrero .
It is the Vigna dij Ciuc (the vineyard of the drunks) a sculptural project created by the Treecarving Group which, with great skill, has managed to bring art in the vineyard.
The Vigna dij Ciuc is a veritable “drunken procession”, strange faces sculpted on twenty-nine chestnut wood poles that lead the way to a vineyard located in the locality of San Luigi.
Go down the slope and have fun discovering the various suggestive sculpted figures including an animal often linked to images of magicians and fortune-tellers and with an ambivalent symbolic value: the owl.
Would you like to have some more information while you are on site? Bring your smartphone with the NFC sensor activated near the logo inserted in the first pole on the roadside and the page dedicated to the project will be open.
Don't you also think that the Vigna dij Ciuc is an original way to combine art with food and wine tourism, culture and the environment?
To reach the vineyard where you can admire the sculpted poles, you need to head towards the hamlet San Luigi from Dogliani; continuing a little less than a kilometer beyond the Chapel you will find it on the left.
You can get the map, images and information directly on the Treecarving Group website where you can also read about their other interesting projects.
Our advice to make the most of this unusual place in the context of the wonderful hills of Langhe is to insert it as a detour to the nature trail of Santa Lucia, a cycle / pedestrian path with beautiful views over the vineyards that passes near some small chapels and historic estates.
Are you always looking for some unusual place to visit?
Then Langhe will not disappoint you!
In fact, among multicolored chapels, giant benches, elegant installations, literary itineraries and original sculptures, you will be spoiled for choice.
You can also find one of these unusual sites in Dogliani, a hilly town of pre-Roman origins with a curious architecture, a bridge between the Langhe of Barolo and the Hight Langa much loved by famous people such as the second President of the Republic Luigi Einaudi and the entrepreneur Michele Ferrero .
It is the Vigna dij Ciuc (the vineyard of the drunks) a sculptural project created by the Treecarving Group which, with great skill, has managed to bring art in the vineyard.
The Vigna dij Ciuc is a veritable “drunken procession”, strange faces sculpted on twenty-nine chestnut wood poles that lead the way to a vineyard located in the locality of San Luigi.
Go down the slope and have fun discovering the various suggestive sculpted figures including an animal often linked to images of magicians and fortune-tellers and with an ambivalent symbolic value: the owl.
Would you like to have some more information while you are on site? Bring your smartphone with the NFC sensor activated near the logo inserted in the first pole on the roadside and the page dedicated to the project will be open.
Don't you also think that the Vigna dij Ciuc is an original way to combine art with food and wine tourism, culture and the environment?
To reach the vineyard where you can admire the sculpted poles, you need to head towards the hamlet San Luigi from Dogliani; continuing a little less than a kilometer beyond the Chapel you will find it on the left.
You can get the map, images and information directly on the Treecarving Group website where you can also read about their other interesting projects.
Our advice to make the most of this unusual place in the context of the wonderful hills of Langhe is to insert it as a detour to the nature trail of Santa Lucia, a cycle / pedestrian path with beautiful views over the vineyards that passes near some small chapels and historic estates.