Arco di Porta Narzole - Cherasco

In fondo a Via Vittorio Emanuele di Cherasco si apre l'Arco di Porta Narzole, un tempo principale via d'accesso alla cittร .
Costruito alla fine del XVIII secolo su imitazione dell'Arco del Belvedere e simmetricamente a quello della Madonna del Rosario non fu mai terminato a causa dello scoppio della guerra.

Narzole Gate - Cherasco
At the end of Via Vittorio Emanuele in Cherasco there's the Arch of Narzole Gate, once the main access route to the city.
Built in the late eighteenth century in imitation of the Arch of Belvedere and symmetrically to the Madonna of the Rosary Arch was never finished because of the outbreak of the war.
Built in the late eighteenth century in imitation of the Arch of Belvedere and symmetrically to the Madonna of the Rosary Arch was never finished because of the outbreak of the war.