E' ormai giunta alla trentunesima edizione la Straconi, nota autunnale camminata non competitiva tra le vie di cuneo ed il Parco Fluviale Gesso e Stura.
Quindicimila i partecipanti alla partenza in Piazza Galimberti che hanno percorso, chi correndo, chi passeggiando, gli 8 km del tracciato di quest'anno che si รจ snodato lungo Corso Nizza, Corso Santorre di Santarosa per poi sbucare sul Viale degli Angeli e scendere lungo la ciclabile del Parco Fluviale, fino a risalire da Porta Mondovรฌ in Via Roma, ultima tappa prima del traguardo.
Come di consueto, in concomitanza, si รจ svolta l'Asics Run Trofeo Alpi del Mare che ha visto come protagonisti alcuni dei migliori mezzofondisti della stagione.

Straconi 2013 - Cuneo
This is the thirty-first edition of the Straconi , the autumnal non-competitive walk among the streets of Cuneo and the River Park of Gesso and Stura .
Fifteen thousand was the participants at the start in Piazza Galimberti that have walked or have run the 8 kms of track that this year has been articulated along Corso Nizza, Corso Santorre Santarosa, Viale degli Angeli, has came down along the river Park path, go back to Porta Mondovi to reach Via Roma, the last way before the finish line.
As usual, at the same time, was carried the Asics Run Trophy Alpi del Mare who has had starring some of the best middle-distance runners of the season.
Fifteen thousand was the participants at the start in Piazza Galimberti that have walked or have run the 8 kms of track that this year has been articulated along Corso Nizza, Corso Santorre Santarosa, Viale degli Angeli, has came down along the river Park path, go back to Porta Mondovi to reach Via Roma, the last way before the finish line.
As usual, at the same time, was carried the Asics Run Trophy Alpi del Mare who has had starring some of the best middle-distance runners of the season.