Oggi Cuneo e Fossano sono le pioniere in Piemonte del Bike To Work Day, la giornata dedicata a chi va al lavoro in bici.
L'iniziativa internazionale รจ volta a ad incentivare l'uso delle due ruote per raggiungere il posto di lavoro, migliorando la mobilitร urbana.
Per l'occasione - e per dare una spinta a chi la bici non usa di consueto - a Cuneo, in Piazza Galimberti, รจ stato allestito un Pit Stop con distribuzione gratuita di brioches e caffรจ equo solidale a tutti i ciclisti.
Una bella iniziativa che premia chi delle due ruote ha fatto il suo mezzo di trasporto principale.
Con la speranza che anche i meno abitudinari da domani, anche senza la promessa di una colazione gratuita, lascino il SUV in garage e pedalino un pรฒ per raggiungere il loro posto di lavoro che magari si trova a cinque minuti da casa.
D'altronde Cuneo non รจ una metropoli e per attraversarla ci vuole al massimo mezz'ora .... anche meno se usi la tua bici !!
Bike To Work Day 2012 Cuneo
Today Cuneo and Fossano are the pioneer in Piedmont of the Bike To Work Day, the day dedicated to all who go to work by bike.
The international initiative is organized to stimulate the use of the two wheels to go to work, improving the urban mobility.
For the occasion - and to give a boost to those person that usually don't use the bike - in Cuneo, in Piazza Galimberti, was set up a Pit Stop with the free distribution of fair trade coffee and croissants to all cyclists.
A good initiative that rewards the cyclists that has made the two wheels their main means of transport.
With the hope that from tomorrow the less abitual to the bike also without the promise of a free breakfast will leave the SUV in garage and pedal a bit to achieve their workplace, probably located five minutes from their home.
Cuneo isn't a metropolis and it takes about 30 minutes to across it .... even less if you use your bike!!
The international initiative is organized to stimulate the use of the two wheels to go to work, improving the urban mobility.
For the occasion - and to give a boost to those person that usually don't use the bike - in Cuneo, in Piazza Galimberti, was set up a Pit Stop with the free distribution of fair trade coffee and croissants to all cyclists.
A good initiative that rewards the cyclists that has made the two wheels their main means of transport.
With the hope that from tomorrow the less abitual to the bike also without the promise of a free breakfast will leave the SUV in garage and pedal a bit to achieve their workplace, probably located five minutes from their home.
Cuneo isn't a metropolis and it takes about 30 minutes to across it .... even less if you use your bike!!