La Sagra della Zucca, ormai giunta alla sua XVII edizione, si tiene tutti gli anni il primo weekend di Ottobre.
Oltre ad una vasta esposizione di zucche delle piรน svariate specie e colori, prevede anche un calendario con mostre, gare di dolci, intrattenimenti musicali, cene tipiche ed un concorso fotografico.
Ovunque ci sono bancarelle, colme di zucche multicolori: gialle, verdi, arancioni ...con sfumature incredibili.
Un modo allegro per accendere di colori e sfumature giallo-arancioni l'autunno appena cominciato.
Pumpkin festival 2010 in Piozzo
The Piozzo's Pumpkin Festival, on its seventeenth edition, is held annually in the first weekend in October.
In addition to a vast choice of pumpkins of various species and colors, it includes a rich calendar of exhibitions, candies contests, musical entertainment, dinners and a photo contest.
Everywhere there are stalls filled with pumpkin-colored: yellow, green, orange ... with incredible nuances.
A merry way to turn colors and yellow-orange shades in the autumn just begun.
The Piozzo's Pumpkin Festival, on its seventeenth edition, is held annually in the first weekend in October.
In addition to a vast choice of pumpkins of various species and colors, it includes a rich calendar of exhibitions, candies contests, musical entertainment, dinners and a photo contest.
Everywhere there are stalls filled with pumpkin-colored: yellow, green, orange ... with incredible nuances.
A merry way to turn colors and yellow-orange shades in the autumn just begun.